RDI Corporation - 5 Tips to Help Your Team Avoid Burnout

How to Avoid Burnout at Work: Tips for You and Your Team

Employee burnout is always important to keep top of mind. It refers to the extreme stress employees feel that can eventually lead to their departure. Not only that, but burnout has huge implications for our bottom line — decreased productivity, depleting morale and significant product delays all cost you money.

The Key is Empathy

Between navigating additional family responsibilities, managing fears, and facing increased workloads, many of us are at risk of burnout. How can you help your team at this moment? It may sound obvious, but the key is empathy.

Employees Are Your Most Important Asset

Burnout spreads like wildfire; it can wipe out your team if you’re not careful. Your employees are your most important asset, especially in today’s uncertain times. Making sure they have the support they need to be successful should be your number one priority as their leader.

Listen, Respond, Support

At the team level, go beyond the data and ask yourself, “Do I really know how everyone on my team is doing?” If the answer is no, spend time chatting with each individual, demonstrating that you’re personally invested in their wellbeing. These conversations will give you a better sense of the specific challenges that they’re facing. Be prepared to listen and respond with offers of support. A one-size-fits-all approach to burnout prevention doesn’t work, so dial into the specific needs of your employees to help them thrive.

Here are five tips to help avoid burnout.


Ask team members for feedback; listen to their concerns and brainstorm ways to improve communication and enhance their employee experience. Almost half of employees (48 percent) say asking for their input and taking action accordingly would help mitigate voluntary turnover.


Encourage your direct reports to take time for themselves as needed. Remember that each individual is unique and will require different forms of support to stay physically and mentally healthy.


Incorporating wellness activities into the workday ensures employees know it’s OK to take time to recharge. Whether it be joining one of our 20 live shows on Facebook or participating in an organized group activity, your team needs to learn how to manage their time for themselves.


People are naturally more engaged with their work if it’s something they enjoy doing. In addition to encouraging your team members to explore their interests — both at work and in their free time — provide them the autonomy to choose their tasks. Our LMS has over 400 courses to choose from that might interest them.  It is as good as any place to start.


Engaging social initiatives are already in place as part of our company culture, but you can implement additional activities specifically for your team. Doing so helps employees bond as a collective unit and on a personal level. It also helps them blow off steam at the end of the workday and relieve stress.

Listen & Take Action

Avoiding burnout essentially boils down to this: listen to your employees. When asked, they’ll tell you what it is they need to feel more confident about their work and to be successful in their role. Be vigilant against the signs of employee burnout and take action immediately to retain top performers and entice great job seekers.  As a leader, one of the best ways you can Leave It Better is to take care of your team.



Bronson Trebbi

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